- J. Kullig and J. Wiersig
Calculating the spectral response strength of non-Hermitian systems with an exceptional point directly from wave simulations
Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013223 (2025)
- H. Schürmann, F. Bertram, G. Schmidt, P. Veit, O. August, C. Berger, A. Dadgar, A. Strittmatter, J. Kullig, J. Wiersig, K. Gao, M. Holmes, Y. Arakawa, J. Christen
GaN Quantum Dots in Resonant Cavity Nanopillars as Deep-UV Single-Photon Sources
Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 2400188 (2024) - F. Binkowski, J. Kullig, F. Betz, L. Zschiedrich, A. Walther, J. Wiersig, and S. Burger
Computing eigenfrequency sensitivities near exceptional points
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023148 (2024)
- X. Jiang, S. Yin, H. Li, J. Quan, H. Goh, M. Cotrufo, J. Kullig, J. Wiersig, A. Alu
Coherent control of chaotic optical microcavity with reflectionless scattering modes
Nat. Phys. 20, 109 (2023) - J. Kullig, D. Grom, S. Klembt, and J. Wiersig
Higher-order exceptional points in waveguide-coupled microcavities: perturbation induced frequency splitting and mode patterns
Photonics Res. 11, A54-A64 (2023) - J. Wiersig
Moving along an exceptional surface towards a higher-order exceptional point
Phys. Rev. A 108, 033501 (2023) - J. Wiersig
Petermann factors and phase rigidities near exceptional points
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033042 (2023)
- J. Wiersig
Revisiting the hierarchical construction of higher-order exceptional points
Phys. Rev. A 106, 063526 (2022) - J. Kullig and J. Wiersig
Ray–Wave Correspondence in Microstar Cavities
Entropy 24, 1614 (2022) - J. Wiersig
Distance between exceptional points and diabolic points and its implication for the response strength of non-Hermitian systems
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033179 (2022) - J. Wiersig
Response strengths of open systems at exceptional points
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023121 (2022)
- Y.J. Qian, H. Liu, Q.-T. Cao, J. Kullig, K. Rong, C.-W. Qiu, J. Wiersig, Q. Gong, J. Chen, and Y.F. Xiao
Regulated Photon Transport in Chaotic Microcavities by Tailoring Phase Space
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 273902 (2021) - W. Seemann, A. Kothe, C. Tessarek, G. Schmidt, S. Qiao, N. von den Driesch, J. Wiersig, A. Pawlis, G. Callsen, and J. Gutowski
Free-Standing ZnSe-Based Microdisk Resonators: Influence of Edge Roughness on the Optical Quality and Reducing Degradation with Supported Geometry
Phys. Status Solidi B 258, 2100249 (2021) - H. Deng, G. L. Lippi, J. , J. Wiersig, S. Reitzenstein
Physics and Applications of High-β Micro- and Nanolasers
Adv. Optical Mater. 9, 2100415 (2021) - J. Kullig and J. Wiersig
Microdisk cavities with a Brewster notch
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023202 (2021) - M. Schmidt, I.H. Grothe, S. Neumeier, L. Bremer, M. von Helversen, W. Zent, B. Melcher, J. Beyer, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, J. Wiersig, and S. Reitzenstein
Bimodal behavior of microlasers investigated with a two-channel photon-number-resolving transition-edge sensor system
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013263 (2021)
- J. Kullig and J. Wiersig
Weakly deformed optical microdisks: A third-order perturbation theory for transverse-magnetic modes
J. Phys. Commun. 4, 105020 (2020) - J. Kullig, C.-H. Yi, and J. Wiersig
Resonance-assisted Tunneling in Weakly Deformed Microdisk Cavities
In: Y.-F. Xiao, C.-L. Zou, Q. Gong, and L. Yang, Ultra-High-Q Optical Microcavities, World Scientific - J. Wiersig
Review of exceptional point-based sensors
Photonics Res. 8, 1457 (2020) - P. C. Burke, J. Wiersig, and M. Haque
Non-Hermitian scattering on a tight-binding lattice
Phys. Rev. A 103, 012212 (2020) - M. Khanbekyan and J. Wiersig
Decay suppression of spontaneous emission of a single emitter in a high-Q cavity at exceptional points
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023375 (2020) - J. Wiersig
Robustness of exceptional-point-based sensors against parametric noise: The role of Hamiltonian and Liouvillian degeneracies
Phys. Rev. A 101, 053846 (2020) - J. Wiersig
Prospects and fundamental limits in exceptional point-based sensing
Nat. Commun. 11, 2454 (2020) - C.-H. Yi, J.-W. Lee, J. Ryu, J.-H. Kim, H.-H. Yu, S. Gwak, K.-R. Oh, J. Wiersig, C.-M. Kim
Robust lasing of modes localized on marginally unstable periodic orbits
Phys. Rev. A 101, 053809 (2020) - J. Kullig, X. Jiang, L. Yang, and J. Wiersig
Microstar cavities: An alternative concept for the confinement of light
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 012072(R) (2020) - M. Eichelmann and J. Wiersig
Morphology of wetting-layer states in a simple quantum-dot wetting-layer model
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 075301 (2020)
- J. Wiersig
Nonorthogonality constraints in open quantum and wave systems
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033182 (2019) - J. Kullig and J. Wiersig
High-order exceptional points of counterpropagating waves in weakly deformed microdisk cavities
Phys. Rev. A 100, 043837 (2019) - L.-K. Chen, Y.-Z. Gu, Q.-T. Cao, Q. Gong, J. Wiersig, Y.-F. Xiao
Regular-Orbit-Engineered Chaotic Photon Transport in Mixed Phase Space
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 173903 (2019) - B. Melcher, B. Gulyak, and J. Wiersig
Information-theoretical approach to the many-particle hierarchy problem
Phys. Rev. A 100, 013854 (2019) - M. Badel and J. Wiersig
Corrected perturbation theory for transverse-electric whispering-gallery modes in deformed microdisks
Phys. Rev. A 99, 063825 (2019) - C.-H. Yi, J. Kullig, M. Hentschel, and J. Wiersig
Non-Hermitian degeneracies of internal–external mode pairs in dielectric microdisks
Photonics Res. 7, 464 (2019)
- B Gulyak, B. Melcher, and J. Wiersig
Determination of the full statistics of quantum observables using the maximum-entropy method
Phys. Rev. A 98, 053857 (2018) - J. Wiersig
Non-Hermitian Effects Due to Asymmetric Backscattering of Light in Whispering-Gallery Microcavities
In: Christodoulides D., Yang J. (eds) Parity-time Symmetry and Its Applications. Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, vol 280. Springer, Singapore (2018) - J. Wiersig
Role of nonorthogonality of energy eigenstates in quantum systems with localized losses
Phys. Rev. A 98, 052105 (2018) - Y.-K. Lu, P. Peng, Q.-T. Cao, D. Xu, J. Wiersig, Q. Gong, Y.-F. Xiao
Spontaneous T-symmetry breaking and exceptional points in cavity quantum electrodynamics systems
Sci. Bull. 63, 1096 (2018) - S. Liu, J. Wiersig, W. Sun, Y. Fan, L. Ge, J. Yang, S. Xiao, Q. Song, and H. Cao
Transporting the Optical Chirality through the Dynamical Barriers in Optical Microcavities
Laser Photonics Rev. 12, 1800027 (2018) - J. Kullig, C.-H. Yi, and J. Wiersig
Exceptional points by coupling of modes with different angular momenta in deformed microdisks: A perturbative analysis
Phys. Rev. A 98, 023851 (2018) - J. Kullig, C.-H. Yi, M. Hentschel, and J. Wiersig
Exceptional points of third-order in a layered optical microdisk cavity
New J. Phys. 20, 083016 (2018) - E. Schlottmann, M. von Helversen, H. A. M. Leymann, T. Lettau, F. Krüger, M. Schmidt, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, J. Beyer, J. Wiersig, and S. Reitzenstein
Exploring the Photon-Number Distribution of Bimodal Microlasers with a Transition Edge Sensor
Phys. Rev. Appl. 9, 064030 (2018) - T. Lettau, H. A. M. Leymann, B. Melcher, and J. Wiersig
Superthermal photon bunching in terms of simple probability distributions
Phys. Rev. A 97, 053835 (2018) - C.-H. Yi, J. Kullig, and J. Wiersig
Pair of Exceptional Points in a Microdisk Cavity under an Extremely Weak Deformation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 093902 (2018) - M. Khanbekyan
Three-dimensional cavity-assisted spontaneous emission as a single-photon source: Two cavity modes and Rabi resonance
Phys. Rev. A 97, 023809 (2018)
- X. Jiang, L. Shao, S.-X. Zhang, X. Yi, J. Wiersig, L. Wang, Q. Gong, M. Loncar, L. Yang, Y.-F. Xiao
Chaos-assisted broadband momentum transformation in optical microresonators
Science 358, 344 (2017) - J.-H. Kim, J. Kim, C.-H. Yi, H.-H. Yu, J.-W. Lee, and C.-M. Kim
Avoided level crossings in an elliptic billiard
Phys. Rev. E 96, 042205 (2017) - C.-H. Yi, J. Kullig, C.-M. Kim, and J. Wiersig
Frequency splittings in deformed optical microdisk cavities
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023848 (2017) - W. Chen, S.K. Özdemir, G. Zhao, J. Wiersig, and L. Yang
Exceptional points enhance sensing in an optical microcavity
Nature 548, 192 (2017) - H. A. M. Leymann, D. Vorberg, T. Lettau, C. Hopfmann, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, R. Ketzmerick, J. Wiersig, S. Reitzenstein, and A. Eckardt
Pump-Power-Driven Mode Switching in a Microcavity Device and Its Relation to Bose-Einstein Condensation
Phys. Rev. X 7, 021045 (2017) - J. Wiersig and J. Kullig
Optical microdisk cavities with rough sidewalls: A perturbative approach based on weak boundary deformations
Phys. Rev. A 95, 053815 (2017) - C.-H. Yi, J. Kullig, J.-W. Lee, J.-H. Kim, H.-H.Yu, J. Wiersig, and C.-M. Kim
Separatrix modes in weakly deformed microdisk cavities
Opt. Express 25, 8048 (2017) - T. Lettau, H.AM. Leymann, and J. Wiersig
Pitfalls in the theory of carrier dynamics in semiconductor quantum dots: Single-particle basis versus the many-particle configuration basis
Phys. Rev. B 95, 085314 (2017) - J. Ryu, J.-W. Lee, C.-H. Yi, J.-H. Kim, I.-G. Lee, H.-S. Kim, S.-B. Kim, K. R. Oh, and C.-M. Kim
Chirality of a resonance in the absence of backscatterings
Opt. Express 25, 3381 (2017) - A. Foerster, H.A.M. Leymann, and J. Wiersig
Computer-aided cluster expansion: An efficient algebraic approach for open quantum many-particle systems
Computer Physics Communications 212, 210 (2017) - M. Khanbekyan and D.-G. Welsch
Cavity-assisted spontaneous emission of a single Λ-type emitter as a source of single-photon packets with controlled shape
Phys. Rev. A 95, 013803 (2017)
- N. Mertig, J. Kullig, C. Löbner, A. Bäcker, and R. Ketzmerick
Perturbation-free prediction of resonance-assisted tunneling in mixed regular-chaotic systems
Phys. Rev. E 94, 062220 (2016) - J.-B. Shim, P. Schlagheck, M. Hentschel, and J. Wiersig
Nonlinear dynamical tunneling of optical whispering gallery modes in the presence of a Kerr nonlinearity
Phys. Rev. A 94, 053849 (2016) - J. Kullig and J. Wiersig
Perturbation theory for asymmetric deformed microdisk cavities
Phys. Rev. A 94, 043850 (2016) - M. Fanaei, A. Foerster, H. A. M. Leymann, and J. Wiersig
Effect of direct dissipative coupling of two competing modes on intensity fluctuations in a quantum-dot-microcavity laser
Phys. Rev. A 94, 043814 (2016) - J. Kullig and J. Wiersig
Q spoiling in deformed optical microdisks due to resonance-assisted tunneling
Phys. Rev. E 94, 022202 (2016) - M. Kraft and J. Wiersig
Inverse problem for light emission from weakly deformed microdisk cavities
Phys. Rev. A 94, 013851 (2016) - B. Peng, Ş. K. Özdemir, M. Liertzer, W. Chen, J. Kramer, H. Yılmaz, J. Wiersig, S. Rotter, and L. Yang
Chiral modes and directional lasing at exceptional points
PNAS 113, 6845 (2016) - F. Jahnke, C. Gies, M. Aßmann, M. Bayer, H.A.M. Leymann, A. Foerster, J. Wiersig, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, and S. Höfling
Giant photon bunching, superradiant pulse emission and excitation trapping in quantum-dot nanolasers
Nat. Commun. 7, 11540 (2016) - J. Wiersig
Sensors operating at exceptional points: General theory
Phys. Rev. A 93, 033809 (2016) - J. Kullig and J. Wiersig
Frobenius–Perron eigenstates in deformed microdisk cavities: non-Hermitian physics and asymmetric backscattering in ray dynamics
New J. Phys. 18, 015005 (2016)
- H. A. M. Leymann, A. Foerster, F. Jahnke, J. Wiersig, and C. Gies
Sub- and Superradiance in Nanolasers
Phys. Rev. Appl. 4, 044018 (2015) - A. Musiał, C. Hopfmann, T. Heindel, C. Gies, M. Florian, H. A. M. Leymann, A. Foerster, C. Schneider, F. Jahnke, S. Höfling, M. Kamp, and S. Reitzenstein
Correlations between axial and lateral emission of coupled quantum dot–micropillar cavities
Phys. Rev. B 91, 205310 (2015) - M. Khanbekyan, H. A. M. Leymann, C. Hopfmann, A. Foerster, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, M. Kamp, J. Wiersig, and S. Reitzenstein
Unconventional collective normal-mode coupling in quantum-dot-based bimodal microlasers
Phys. Rev. A 91, 043840 (2015) - M. Schermer, S. Bittner, G. Singh. C. Ulysee, M. Lebental, and J. Wiersig
Unidirectional light emission from low-index polymer microlasers
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 101107 (2015) - R. Sarma, L. Ge, J. Wiersig, and H. Cao
Rotating Optical Microcavities with Broken Chiral Symmetry
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 053903 (2015) - H. Cao and J. Wiersig
Dielectric microcavities: Model systems for wave chaos and non-Hermitian physics
Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 61 (2015)
- H. Schomerus and J. Wiersig
Non-Hermitian-transport effects in coupled-resonator optical waveguides
Phys. Rev. A 90, 053819 (2014) - J. Kullig, C. Löbner, N. Mertig, A. Bäcker, and R. Ketzmerick
Integrable approximation of regular regions with a nonlinear resonance chain
Phys. Rev. E 90, 052906 (2014) - J. Wiersig
Enhancing the Sensitivity of Frequency and Energy Splitting Detection by Using Exceptional Points: Application to Microcavity Sensors for Single-Particle Detection
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 203901 (2014) - H.A.M. Leymann, A. Foerster, and J. Wiersig
Expectation value based equation-of-motion approach for open quantum systems: A general formalism
Phys. Rev. B 89, 085308 (2014) - M. Kraft and J. Wiersig
Perturbative analysis of whispering-gallery modes in limaçon-shaped microcavities
Phys. Rev. A 89, 023819 (2014) - J. Wiersig
Chiral and nonorthogonal eigenstate pairs in open quantum systems with weak backscattering between counterpropagating traveling waves
Phys. Rev. A 89, 012119 (2014)
- J.-B. Shim, A. Eberspächer, and J. Wiersig
Adiabatic formation of high-Q modes by suppression of chaotic diffusion in deformed microdiscs
New J. Phys.15, 113058 (2013) - L. Ge, Q. Song, B. Redding, A. Eberspächer, J. Wiersig, and H. Cao
Controlling multimode coupling by boundary-wave scattering
Phys. Rev. A 88, 043801 (2013) - J.-B. Shim and J. Wiersig
Semiclassical evaluation of frequency splittings in coupled optical microdisks
Opt. Express 21, 24240 (2013) - H.A.M. Leymann, A. Foerster, M. Khanbekyan, and J. Wiersig
Strong photon bunching in a quantum-dot-based two-mode microcavity laser
Phys. Status Solidi B 250, 1777 (2013) - H.A.M. Leymann, A. Foerster, and J. Wiersig
Expectation value based cluster expansion
Phys. Status Solidi C 10, 1242 (2013) - Q. Song, L. Ge, J. Wiersig, and H. Cao
Formation of long-lived resonances in hexagonal cavities by strong coupling of superscar modes
Phys. Rev. A 88, 023834 (2013) - A. Schlehahn, F. Albert, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, S. Reitzenstein, J. Wiersig, and M. Kamp
Mode selection in electrically driven quantum dot microring cavities
Opt. Express 21, 15951 (2013) - H.A.M. Leymann, C. Hopfmann, F. Albert, A. Foerster, M. Khanbekyan, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, A. Forchel, M. Kamp, J. Wiersig, and S. Reitzenstein
Intensity fluctuations in bimodal micropillar lasers enhanced by quantum-dot gain competition
Phys. Rev. A 87, 053819 (2013) - M. Florian, C. Gies, F. Jahnke , H.A.M. Leymann, and J. Wiersig
Equation-of-motion technique for finite-size quantum-dot systems: Cluster expansion method
Phys. Rev. B 87, 165306 (2013) - M. Witzany, T.-L. Liu, J.-B. Shim, F. Hargart, E. Koroknay, W.-M. Schulz, M. Jetter, E. Hu, J. Wiersig, and P. Michler
Strong mode coupling in InP quantum dot-based GaInP microdisk cavity dimers
New J. Phys. 15, 013060 (2013)
- J.-B. Shim, A. Eberspächer, J. Wiersig, J. Unterhinninghofen, Q. H. Song, L. Ge, H. Cao, and A. D. Stone
Deformed wavelength-scale microdisk lasers with quantum dot emitters
in Quantum optics with semiconductor nanostructures edited by F. Jahnke (2012) - F. Albert, C. Hopfmann, A. Eberspächer, F. Arnold, M. Emmerling, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, A. Forchel, M. Kamp, J. Wiersig, and S. Reitzenstein
Directional whispering gallery mode emission from Limaçon-shaped electrically pumped quantum dot micropillar lasers
Appl. Phys. Lett.101, 021116 (2012) - J. Wiersig
Perturbative approach to optical microdisks with a local boundary deformation
Phys. Rev. A 85, 063838 (2012) - B. Redding, L. Ge, Q.H. Song, J. Wiersig, G.S. Solomon, and H. Cao
Local Chirality of Optical Resonances in Ultrasmall Resonators
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 253902 (2012) - M. Benyoucef, J.-B. Shim, J. Wiersig, and O.G. Schmidt
Quality-factor enhancement of optical modes mediated by strong coupling in micron-size semiconductor disks
Phys. Status Solidi B 249, 925 (2012)
- Q. H. Song, Li Ge, J. Wiersig, J.-B. Shim, J. Unterhinninghofen, A. Eberspächer, W. Fang, G. S. Solomon, and Hui Cao
Wavelength-scale deformed microdisk lasers
Phys. Rev. A 84, 063843 (2011) - J. Wiersig
Structure of whispering-gallery modes in optical microdisks perturbed by nanoparticles
Phys. Rev. A 84, 063828 (2011) - J. Wiersig, J. Unterhinninghofen, Q.H. Song, H. Cao, M. Hentschel, S. Shinohara
Review on unidirectional light emission from ultralow-loss modes in deformed microdisks
in Trends in Nano- and Micro-Cavities (2011) - C.-H. Yi, S.H. Lee, M.-W. Kim, J. Cho, S.-Y. Lee, J. Wiersig, and C.-M. Kim
Light emission of a scarlike mode with assistance of quasiperiodicity
Phys. Rev. A 84, 041803(R) (2011) - J.-B. Shim, J. Wiersig, and H. Cao
Whispering gallery modes formed by partial barriers in ultrasmall deformed microdisks
Phys. Rev. E 84, 035202(R) (2011) - J. Wiersig, A. Eberspächer, J.-B. Shim, J.-W. Ryu, S. Shinohara, M. Hentschel, and H. Schomerus
Nonorthogonal pairs of copropagating optical modes in deformed microdisk cavities
Phys. Rev. A 84, 023845 (2011) - M. Witzany, R. Rossbach, W.-M. Schulz, M. Jetter, P. Michler, T.-L. Liu, E. Hu, J. Wiersig, and F. Jahnke
Lasing properties of InP/(Ga0.51In0.49)P quantum dots in microdisk cavities
Phys. Rev. B 83, 205305 (2011) - M. Benyoucef, J.-B. Shim, J. Wiersig, and O.G. Schmidt
Quality-factor enhancement of supermodes in coupled microdisks
Opt. Lett. 36, 1317 (2011) - J. Wiersig
Computation of the coherence time of quantum-dot microcavity lasers including photon-carrier and photon-photon correlations
Phys. Status Solidi B 248, 883 (2011) - J. Unterhinninghofen, U. Kuhl, J. Wiersig, H.-J. Stöckmann, and M. Hentschel
Measurement of the Goos-Haenchen shift in a microwave cavity
New J. Phys. 13, 023013 (2011)
- Q.J. Wang, C. Yan, N. Yu, J. Unterhinninghofen, J. Wiersig, C. Pflügl , L. Diehl, T. Edamura, M. Yamanishi, H. Kan, and F. Capasso
Whispering-gallery mode resonators for highly unidirectional laser action
PNAS 107, 22407 (2010) - J. Wiersig
Microscopic theory of first-order coherence in microcavity lasers based on semiconductor quantum dots
Phys. Rev. B 82, 155320 (2010) - A. Quandt and A. Leymann
Simulation of Complex Dielectric Materials
Adv. Science Technology 71, 58 (2010) - Q.H. Song, L. Ge, A.D. Stone, H.Cao, J. Wiersig, J.-B. Shim, J. Unterhinninghofen, W. Fang, and G.S. Solomon
Directional Laser Emission from a Wavelength-Scale Chaotic Microcavity
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 103902 (2010) - J. Unterhinninghofen and J. Wiersig
Interplay of Goos-Haenchen shift and boundary curvature in deformed microdisks
Phys. Rev. E 82, 026202 (2010) - J. Wiersig, J. Unterhinninghofen, H. Schomerus, U. Peschel, M. Hentschel
Electromagnetic modes in cavities made of negative-index metamaterials
Phys. Rev. A 81, 023809 (2010)
- Q.J. Wang, C. Yan, L. Diehl, M. Hentschel, J. Wiersig, N. Yu, C. Pflügl, M. A. Belkin, T. Edamura, M. Yamanishi, H. Kan, and F. Capasso
Deformed microcavity quantum cascade lasers with directional emission
New J. Phys. 11, 125018 (2009) - J. Andreasen, H. Cao, J. Wiersig, and A. E. Motter
Marginally Unstable Periodic Orbits in Semiclassical Mushroom Billiards
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 154101 (2009) - S. Shinohara, M. Hentschel, J. Wiersig, T. Sasaki, and T. Harayama
Ray-wave correspondence in limaçon-shaped semiconductor microcavities
Phys. Rev. A 80, 031801(R) (2009) - J. Wiersig, C. Gies, F. Jahnke, M. Aßmann, T. Berstermann, M. Bayer, C. Kistner, S. Reitzenstein, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, A. Forchel, C. Kruse, J. Kalden, and D. Hommel
Direct observation of correlations between individual photon emission events of a microcavity laser
Nature 460, 245 (2009) - C. Gies, J. Wiersig, and F. Jahnke
Quantum Statistical Properties of the Light Emission from Quantum Dots in Microcavities
in Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots, Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2009) - C. Yan, Q.J. Wang, L. Diehl, M. Hentschel, J. Wiersig, N. Yu, C. Pflügl, F. Capasso, M. A. Belkin, T. Edamura, M. Yamanishi, and H. Kan
Directional emission and universal far-field behavior from semiconductor lasers with limaçon-shaped microcavity
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 251101 (2009) - A. Bäcker, R. Ketzmerick, S. Löck, J. Wiersig, and M. Hentschel
Quality factors and dynamical tunneling in annular microcavities
Phys. Rev. A 79, 063804 (2009) - H.Schomerus, J. Wiersig, and J. Main
Lifetime statistics in chaotic dielectric microresonators
Phys. Rev. A 79, 053806 (2009) - J. Wiersig, C. Gies, N. Baer, and F. Jahnke
Intrinsic Non-Exponential Decay of Time-Resolved Photoluminescence from Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Advances in Solid State Physics 48, 91 (2009) - K. Sebald, C. Kruse, and J. Wiersig
Properties and prospects of blue-green emitting II-VI-based monolithic microcavities
phys. stat.sol. (b) 246, 255 (2009) - S. Ates, C. Gies, S.M. Ulrich, J. Wiersig, S. Reitzenstein, A. Löffler, A. Forchel, F. Jahnke, and P. Michler
Coherence length of high-beta semiconductor microcavity lasers
phys. stat. sol (c) 6, 568 (2009) - J. Kalden, H. Lohmeyer, K. Sebald, T. Meeser, J. Gutowski, C. Kruse, A. Gust, D. Hommel, J. Wiersig, and F. Jahnke
Emission properties of ZnSe-based pillar microcavities at elevated temperatures
phys. stat. sol (c) 6, 508 (2009) - J. Wiersig, C. Gies, and F. Jahnke
Coherence properties and dynamical photon correlations of quantum-dot-based microcavity lasers
phys. stat. sol. (b) 246, 273 (2009)
2008 (ab August)
- M. Aßmann, T. Berstermann, J. Wiersig, C. Gies, F. Jahnke, C. Kistner, S. Reitzenstein, A. Forchel, and M. Bayer
Ultrafast intensity correlation measurements of quantum dot microcavity lasers
phys. stat. sol. (c) 6, 399 (2008) - J. Wiersig, S. Flach, and K.-H. Ahn
Discrete breathers in ac-driven nanoelectromechanical shuttle arrays
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 222110 (2008) - J. Wiersig, S.W. Kim, and M. Hentschel
Asymmetric scattering and nonorthogonal mode patterns in optical microspirals
Phys. Rev. A 78, 053809 (2008) - S. Ates, C. Gies, S. M. Ulrich, J. Wiersig, S. Reitzenstein, A. Löffler, A. Forchel, F. Jahnke, and P. Michler
Influence of the spontaneous optical emission factor on the first-order coherence of a semiconductor microcavity laser
Phys. Rev. B 78, 155319 (2008)
Publ. von J. Wiersig (1996-August 2008)